Tools Library (ABZAR)

Tools Library (ABZAR)

The main objective of the project is to increase economic and employment opportunities in kabul by supporting home-based-enerprises of "tool libraries". In "tool libraries" it's not books to be borrowed, but tools.

As such, “tool libraries” are spaces allowing people to borrow tools that can be helpful for different productive sectors like food preserving, tailoring, handicrafts and jewelry making. Along with smaller tools – cooking sets, sewing machines and similar – the space also offers larger pieces of equipment to be used on site, like looms or packaging machines. Specifically, the project aims to rent and equip private spaces to provide access to machinery, tools and production materials to support local economic recovery. 

In addition to equipment and tools that can be borrowed or used on site, these spaces will offer the following package of business development services:

  • Technical assistance on management aspects, product design and development, and marketing;
  • Access to computers, printers, and general IT support.  
  • The pilot project sees the opening of at least one "tool library" in Kabul, with the possibility of opening more depending on financial availability.

During the pilot phase, the “tool library” aims at providing access to tools, materials and assistance to at least 300 micro-enterprises.